How to join
- connect your Teamspeak3 (not 6!) to (no password)
in the Arma 3 Launcher
- enable all the mods listed below (or just import the preset)
- enable BattlEye
- go to servers and direct connect your Arma 3 to (port 2302 for Tanoa, port 2402 for SOG, no password)
As soon as you join the Arma 3 server, the ts3plugin should automatically move you to the ingame voice channel, which then unlocks your ingame controls.
and thats it. see you in game!
To join our Arma 3 AntistaZ (Tanoa) [port 2302], you need:- Arma 3 + Apex DLC, (Ultimate Edition is recommended for extra vehicles/weapons) buy here
- minimal mod list: minimal collection (subscribe to all) / minimal preset (right click > save link as...)
- full mod list (including optionals): full collection (subscribe as wanted) / full preset (right click > save link as...)
- Teamspeak3-Client download here
- the ACRE2 ts3plugin installed (start the game once, with the ACRE2 mod, then (re)start ts3, after the plugin installed.)
To join our Arma 3 Antistasi S.O.G. (Cam Lao Nam) [port 2402], you need:- Arma 3 + SOG cDLC buy here
- minimal mod list: minimal collection (subscribe to all) / minimal preset (right click > save link as...)
- full mod list (including optionals): full collection (subscribe as wanted) / full preset (right click > save link as...)
- Teamspeak3-Client download here
- the ACRE2 ts3plugin installed (start the game once, with the ACRE2 mod, then (re)start ts3, after the plugin installed.)
Hardware details
- OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) x86_64
- Kernel: 6.1.0-21-amd64
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
- Memory: 64GB
- Location: Helsinki
- WAN: ~1GB/s up & down see here
Server setup details:
- The server runs along one headless client, on the same machine, but with split core affinities (2x6).
- both, server and hc, use the params -exThreads=7 and -cpuCount=6 (for HT and split affinities)
automatic server restarts will happen at 1am, 9am and 5pm EE(S)T see here, and will be announced in ingame chat accordingly, atleast every hour, as a reminder.
these restarts will also automatically make sure to keep all mods updated, so your maximum downtime due to "too new" mods, is max 8hrs.